Heart & Harmony Coaching and Consulting
Creating Authentic Change
In seeking to better understand ourselves and others, and address our sabotaging beliefs and behaviours, we are better able to navigate life and work in harmony with our fullest potential and greatest joys.
As a Personal Professional Development Coach,
Emotional Intelligence Coach and
HR/Training Professional,
I work with individuals and organizations to address ineffective beliefs and behaviours to better manage life and work with increased
self-awareness and success.
Diane Jolicoeur is the owner, coach, consultant of Heart & Harmony Coaching and Consulting. For more information on Diane, Click Here.

1:1 Coaching
Emotional Intelligence Coaching
Worksite Culture Training
Career Coaching/Consulting
HR Coach-Consulting
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Workshop and Group Coaching topics can be customized to meet the needs and interests of your group or organization.
Click Here to learn more.

About Diane
Diane Jolicoeur is the Owner, Coach-Consultant of Heart & Harmony Coaching and Consulting.
The name Heart & Harmony is intended to convey the connection experienced when living and working in alignment with one's values and goals.
Diane approaches her work from a professional, intuitive and compassionate perspective. A broad life-work experience provides unique insight into situations and how to support clients in addressing personal, professional, or organizational challenges that prevent operating from a place of clarity, congruency and courage.
Diane’s Qualifications and Experience include:
Certified Personal, Professional Development Coach - Certified Coaches Alliance
Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach - Certified Coaches Alliance
CCE (Continuing Coach Education) with International Coaches Federation - ICF
President-Elect, President, Past-President, International Coach Federation, BC Interior Chapter
Human Resources (12 Yrs) - Employer Advisor, Recruitment, Employee Relations
Business Plan Development - Community Futures Certificate Program
Mental Health First Aid Certificate - Mental Health Commission of Canada
Workplace Mental Health Certificate - Headversity/CPHR
Facilitation Skills Training - Canadian Mental Health Association
Positive Intelligence (Mental Fitness PQ) - Program Completion
Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) / TFT (Thought Field Therapy) Practitioner
Heart & Harmony Coaching and Consulting is based in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia CANADA.
Services can be provided on-site, in-person, or remotely.

Photo: Diane Jolicoeur
Please contact me for more information
or to book your
Complimentary Consultation
dj@heartandharmony.ca | Phn: 604-836-2313